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Large Mountable First Aid Room cabinet


1. Empty is Ksh 8, 500
2. Stocked is Ksh 15, 500
3. Can be installed with your specific items. The rate depends on the contents.


Large Mountable First Aid Room cabinet


No ITEM Quantity
1. CPR Mouth Piece 2 pcs
2. Thermometer 1 Pc
3. Metal scissors/Trauma shears 1 Pc
4. Metal forceps 1 Pc
5. Safety Pins 10 Pcs
6. Tourniquet 1 Pc
7. Thermal Emergency Blanket 1 Pc
8. Latex Examination Gloves – 100pcs 1 packet
9. Alcohol Pre-Pads 100 Pcs
10. Factory Eye drop 1 pc
11. Triangular Bandages 6 Pcs
12. 400gm Cotton wool 1 Pc
13. Sterile Eye Pads 6 Pcs
14. Hypoallergenic Tape/Adhesive Bandage 2 Pcs
15. Crepe Bandages 6 Pcs
16. Sterile Gauze Swabs 8 Pcs
17. Standard Sterile Wound Dressing No. 8/First Aid Dressing 8Pcs
18. Adhesive Wound Dressing 100 Pcs
19. Farm Liniment 1 Pc
20. Deep freeze 150ml 1 Pc
21. Kidney Dish/Gallipot 1 pc
22. Antihistamine Cream 1 Pc
23. Surgical Spirit – 500ml 1 pc
24. Normal Saline – 500ml 1 pc
25 Tincture of Iodine 1 pc
26. W.O.W Bandage 1 pkt
27. 35mg Deep Heat Rub 1 pc
28. Face Mask/Surgical Mask 1 Pc
29. Kidney Dish 1 Pc
30. Pocket Tissue/Hankies 1 Pc
31. Note Pad 1 pc
32. Pencil 1 pc
33. Basic First aid Instruction sheet 1 pc
34. Large White Cabinet with High visibility sticker 1 pc


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