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5Kg Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher


  • Ideal for Electrical Equipment and Class B Fires

5Kg Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher

  1. Weight and Capacity: The "5kg" specification indicates that the fire extinguisher can hold 5 kilograms (or approximately 5 liters) of carbon dioxide gas.
  2. Extinguishing Agent: Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers use CO2 gas as the extinguishing agent. When discharged, the gas displaces oxygen around the fire, effectively suffocating it and suppressing the flames.
  3. Fire Class: A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is primarily suitable for use on Class B and Class C fires. This means it can be used on fires involving flammable liquids and gases (Class B) and electrical fires (Class C). It is not recommended for use on Class A fires (ordinary combustibles) as it may not provide effective extinguishment.
  4. Usage: When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, it's important to follow these steps:
    • Ensure the safety pin or tamper seal is intact and remove it.
    • Aim the horn or nozzle at the base of the fire, standing a safe distance away.
    • Squeeze the handle to discharge the carbon dioxide gas directly onto the fire.
    • Sweep the extinguisher from side to side, effectively covering the area of the fire with the gas until it is fully suppressed.


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